December 29, 2012

The Gift of a Nocence

At times in this world we look at things two ways. We either look at as a "God given gift" or as a nocence to society. Now I try to see things as something that could be, if not already, something that could be amazing. But the problem with this is that everyone has their own opinions about things and if they see it as a nocence then that is what is is and you can't change their mind. They see it as this, if you want to fit in then you must dye your wool white if it is not already. Meaning that if you are an odd ball or if you are a black sheep then you must do all you can to be an identical copy of someone who is normal.

December 14, 2012

Just Plain Sad

   Okay, what is going on? I was on my way home and I heard about a shooting in Connecticut. There were 20 children and 6 adults killed other than the shooter who committed suicide. Is the world going mad? I don't know what to say about any of this. All I can say is that I hope that your child isn't one of the victims and that if they were then  I hope they rest in peace.

for more information:

December 10, 2012

Pencil (haiku)

It glides on paper,
Leaving beautifully placed words.
It is my pencil.

December 6, 2012

Passing the Time

   These days it feels as though time is going by faster and faster. Passing every minute with ease. Every hour feels like a second. You look back at your life and see that a lot has gone by. I  some of it is because we don't slow down. We go through the day thinking of what to do next. We don't take the time to slow down and realize what is going on now. I am also guilty of that so don't go pointing fingers, because you should be poking yourself.

December 4, 2012

The Thing

There it stood,
In the middle of the room.
With a some what proud grin,
On it's evil face.

There it lay,
On the freshly made bed.
Staring up at the ceiling,
Wonder what to do.

It was not anything I had seen before.
It was not a human being,
But it was a living presence.

The Detective

   The one thing that I know for sure is that there is something missing. Something out of place. I don't know what it is, but I know it's not here. They are small but they're details. Details that could change everything and someone wants to keep us in the dark. So if we find them we will know everything.

Fire (haiku)

I couldn't see you.
Not in the thick, heavy, dark smoke.
Not in the red flames.