August 23, 2013

Feel Good Friday👍

Hay you ever done something so good that it mAde you feel super good on the inside too? Well I did that today and it made my day. I hope that you can feel that good too. 
-Feel Good Friday👍
Riley M 

August 22, 2013

Black & White

   When you look at these black an white picture what do you see? Do you see the faces of people at an old movie theater wearing 3D glasses? Do you see a snowy street or a tiger looking to the left?
Or even a crowd of people with one man in the middle holding up a sign that says "A BETTER WORLD IS POSSIBLE"? Do you know what i see? I see three colors. Not one, two, or even fifty. I see three and those three are black...white...and everything in between.

August 20, 2013


What is it that has four legs,
One head and a foot?

 Comment on what you think it is.

August 18, 2013

Sunday Verse

For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10 NKJV)

August 14, 2013

Day and Night

The sun rises
Then It sets

The moon shines
The night's protector
It watches over the dreams

It too sleeps
Fading into to light

And the sun then says

Bible Verse

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. (I John 3:18 NKJV)

Do You Ever...

   Do you ever think that there is so much crap going on at once? Do you ever wonder why the sunrise is the way that it is? Do you ever...
   This is a question that I ask myself all the time. Every minute of the day is filled with a question and this is one of mine. I wonder, question, think, but rarely do I ever ask. I never ask people my questions and never wonder out loud. I don't do this because I think that I will be judged wrongly because I wonder what we would all do if we didn't wonder or wonder what would do if we were all bubbles. So I don't. I keep my mouth shut and hold my tongue. So I dare you to WOL (Wonder Out Loud). So go ahead and start...

August 11, 2013

Go Reds

Hay fellow bloggers/readers I am at the Reds game. Go Reds!!!!!!! ⚾