July 28, 2014

Love and Every that Comes with it

What is love? Why does it make us feel the way that we do? Why is it that when we are near someone that we truly love we feel both contentment and, in some cases, a burning fire of passion? Why is it that only few seem to meet our standards of love? Why does love feel sooooo good and yet when its gone it hurts like hell? Why is it that we fall in love? Why can't we fly? Why...

Wait I know what you're thinking... "Oh my God what is with this chick and her questions? Oh. My. God. Now I'm asking them." Yes, I know, I can get a little annoying... "Ha! A little annoying! That's an understatement." Okay, Okay, I get it, but please hear me out on this one. "Okay. Fine." Thank you.

What is love? Well by definition it is a strong feeling of affection and even attraction. Though some might say other wise, like it is a feeling of compassion and contentment, or it is the driving force behind the beating of our hearts, the burning passion that enlightens our soul, and the wind beneath our soaring wings as we fall gracefully into the arms of one another. Well love can be all of these, but I think that all of that was just a little bit too poetic for some so I will turn it down and put it in other, more simpler terms. Love is something that we feel when we like someone else very strongly. Sometimes love can be blind, deaf, or even immobile, but that doesn't mean that its not love. Love is something that can be mistaken for other things, but if it's true and real, *slight smile* you'll know.

Why does it make us feel the way that we do? Well we feel this way due to the chemicals in our brains, but I sure as hell I'm not going to go into that. What I do know is that we feel the way we feel because we really and truly love that person. The way that we want to stay enveloped in some one's arms or how we get butterflies when you see your "crush" walk by (I bet you just thought of that person, didn't you?). Yes, we are human and we feel these things even when we really really don't want to. So let those feelings fly.

Why is it that only few seem to meet our standards of love? This all depends on who you are and what your background story is. I can't tell you much other than once you find out what makes you "tick," I guess you can say, you won't really know the answer.

Why does love feel sooooo good and yet when its gone it hurts like hell? This is because we become attached to the person that we love. We tend to become so attached that when we are forced to detach, heck even the mere thought of it, puts us in emotional distress and turmoil. In layman's terms, we become heartbroken. We feel the emotional pain and the physical pain that sometimes comes along with it. We are humans that can't function in the world alone. We can't stand to be lonely. That is why we make friends, date, and are social. It is because we are social creatures and to be isolated is to be put in the deepest darkest regions of hell its self. No self-help book can truly tell you otherwise. Yes, you can be single and not mingle, but are you really alone, even in the lowest part of your life? No, because you have friends and family that is there for you as well. A significant other is just someone who is there for you in all emotional ways. It's okay to be single though because like they say love is a roller coaster, you just have to get on for the ride and hang on.

Why is it that we fall in love? Why can't we fly? I guess in some ways you do both in love. We "fall" for one another and we feel so high on the dopamine in our brain that is causing us to feel so happy when in love that we feel as though we are "flying." So why fall? Well love can be like a roller coaster, like I said before, and with all roller coasters there are ups and downs. Now we feel as though we are "falling" in love because when around your significant other you feel light, happy, and excited, are we not? Well all of that is like when you are going down a big hill on the thrill ride. Your stomach stinks to your feet as your heart races much faster than normal, though these feelings are more so out of fear of falling and the anticipation of that long drop. So how does fear and love relate? Well the fear of loosing your significant other can also have a roll in feeling as though you have fallen in love because that ominous fear of loosing the other person in your life can trigger the same type of feelings though this can also be because you have broken your heart before and you're scared that you will do it again.

July 22, 2014

"Funny Valentine"

   Oh how the trumpets sound and the sweet melody of the saxophones. The trill of the flute and my foot tapping to the steady beat of the drum. Then his voice plays of the speakers. Its floats in the air and sends a chill up your spine as you sit back and relax. "Good Ol' Franky Boy" mother used to say. He stood up there like a gentleman. All the women in that place swooned over him. It was like Macy's on Black Friday, just without the chaos. He started out fast to arouse the crowd, then slowed down to "Funny Valentine." Oh how I adore that song. I mean, prenez-moi la maison mon amour, oops sorry. I love that song.
   Then with all his cockiness he sings "I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow. Got the string around my finger. What a world, what a life, I'm in love!" Yup that's Franky for ya. 

Dear Few People Who will Read this,

   I have yet another question for you. Yes, I know this is really getting old, but we were made to ask them, so why not.
   Why do we miss people? Why does it seem that even when we tell ourselves not to, we still do? Why is it so hard to let go of things in life? Including people. Why?
   Okay, so that was more than one question, but you get my point. So, I guess now is when most would give the everyday answer of "Well, it's because we care about it, or them." But why? Why do we care so much about something or someone that we can't seem to detach ourselves form it/them? Why? I ask. Why?!
   Okay, a little dramatic and over the top there. My bad, but still... Why? Why can't we live a life without being constantly haunted of caring? Or having that nagging feeling of it?
   Here's why. It's because we have hearts. We have feelings, which in most of us causes us to think of others and how what we say and what we do makes them feel. We have brains which cause us to think of others and the chemicals and hormones don't emotionally let us forget easily. Yes, we are human and we make mistakes, but it's what and who we care about that make us learn from them and change. We change everyday for it and though it may be a nagging, bitching, pain in the ass, (sorry for the language, but I'm still entitled to freedom of speech) but it is what continually makes us who we are. I only hope that you care about the right things and the right people because the wrong things/people can bring you down to very low places.

Thanks for listening,
The Question Freak

July 13, 2014

The Storm

At the mercy
Of a frightening storm
Under siege
And under prepared
We stand
Side by side
Taking in the blows
No sandbags
Nor shelter
Could protect us from this
It's a beast
A monster
Just a whole other breed
There's no way to control it
No where to run
To hide
So we just face it
With fear in our eyes
As we see it before us
Our own lives