March 28, 2016

Heavenly Sunrise

A forest of sleeping angles
Hazy halos of gold
Velvet rose
Soft purple
And rich blends of each
The air is brisk
And the wind harsh
But my heart is warmed
By the sight of glory
Hanging on the edge of the earth
Dazzling spectacles of light
Dancing on the icy pond
Frost sparkles on the tips of grass
Everything is still
No one of God's creatures
So much as whistles a tune
No bird chirps
No hounds howl
No cat purrs
Only peace whispers
Through the trees

March 1, 2016


Winding through an untraceable maze
Trolling through rubber halls
Being suffocated
By the very walls that surround me
Know not of what lies beyond them
A point of uncertainty
Is my destination
A place where I go unnoticed
I am not seen
But I help light the dark rooms
I am not heard
But I play the most beautiful melodies
I can not be felt
But my heat warms your bodies
I am not admired
Until I am lost
I am something you need
Something you must own
But nobody owns me
No one can take my power
Because I am power