October 31, 2014

Five Reasons Why We Should Assimilate Less

“I don't believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the case for everyone.” (Chang-Rae Lee) This is a quote made by Chang-Rae Lee, a Korean American author and creative writing professor at Princeton University. I believe that this quote says a lot about why we should assimilate less because as he says complete assimilation is not possible. If we were to fully assimilate into another culture then we would have to give up our minds. We would have to forget everything that we have previously learned. Forget our customs and the whole world that we have come from. Forget, the mind,s most haunting fear.

“Forget your customs and ideals. Select a goal and pursue it with all your might. You will experience a bad time but sooner or later you will achieve your goal. Don’t take a moment’s rest. Run.”(History) This is a quote given to us from a guidebook given to immigrants who came over in 1880-1930. In some ways this can be taken as a polite word of advice, however this also entails of what was to come of the immigrants. It tells of the hardships they would go through, of how, if they preceded to follow their traditional culture, will have many discrepancies between them and those who lived by the American customs.

Assimilation, be that as it may, is not just consisted of immigrants and how they were forced to adapt, but also a person moving from one area, like a small town, to another, perhaps large city. Even this adjustment can be difficult for the average person, which can lead to stress and other health problems relating to that. Stress is a strong feel of worry that can over time can lead to different types of health problems. Some of these problems include serious heart problems, asthma, obesity, diabetes, depression, stomach problems, headaches, advanced aging, early death, along with many other things (WebMD). Stress can also lead to reckless behavior that can cause the death of someone else.

Recent studies show that substance use and alcoholism have been connected to assimilation (Warner). It shows that with the new environment that comes with moving and the cultural adjustment have also come to harm the health of some who do assimilate. Assimilation means to take up the dominant culture in the region that you have moved to. This also includes reckless behaviors that are well know in that culture like drugs and alcohol. Now not everyone takes up illegal drugs just because they move to the wrong side of the tracks, but it is a factor, especially if you move to a region with a culture that is the complete opposite of what you came from. Alcoholism also is related to stress and people trying to “make it through the day.” Studies show that about 1 in 10 deaths of working adults are caused by alcohol. This can include heart disease, breast cancer, liver disease, violence, alcohol poisoning, and one of the most tragics, drunk driving. Stressed based alcoholism can be brought on by many things, nonetheless the most well know is work related stress. When coming from a different country and being forced to assimilate and work in lower class jobs can cause a lot of stress on a person. Not being able to pay the bills, trying to feed your child or children, a failing marriage, and many other things can come along on the bandwagon of stress in your life that can lead you to make decisions that could forever change your life.

“Oooh! Alright, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family!” -Mulan (1998)
Honor and shame are two pressures put on the shoulders of household woman in Southern Asia. This stress put on them normally leads to self harm and other mental problems that are considered taboo in that region. If this is how people respond to honour in their home country then imagine how they would react to leaving and dishonoring their family in the process. In some cultures dishonoring your family can result in feelings of anger and disappointment to the most extreme case of honor killing. Honor killing is a traditional practice of killing a family member who was believed to have dishonored or brought shame onto the family. Just this past June, in Pakistan, a newly wed couple was murdered in a honor killing by the brides parents because they did not give them their blessings. “The bride's father and uncles lured the couple back to the village of Satrah in Punjab province, where Ahsanullah said the pair were tied up and then decapitated.” (CNN World) If this is what they do when marriage blessing are not made then imagine what would happen to someone who assimilated into a new culture. Talk about a bad family reunion.

America has been know to be the “melting pot.” This statement refers to the blending of cultures from the immigrants who came over in the Great Migration. However, in today’s society it is no longer as accepting. People are now wanting immigrants to assimilate and become more like them. People complain about the spanish options at the ATM and the multiple language option on directions. Americans are wanting immigrants to become more english and adapt to our culture. How is this just and fair? We were at one point an immigrant, an outsider, a misfit. Even if you are the pinnacle of popularity, your heritage consists of people who were not as fortunate to have such a high position in society. In contrast, there are those who accept other cultures without even realizing it.

    Further more, from the evidence that shows, I firmly believe that assimilation is not always apropriate. From stress to dishonoring, assimilation can lead to more trouble and problems than it's worth. People move to find better things, but forcing them to become something they are not is wrong. Having to leave a place is hard enough, why do we need to make it harder? Why do we need to put more things on other'd minds? Why go through all of that just for people to "fit in?" Why? 

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