December 25, 2015

Another Single Ladies' Xmas

    Going on four months relationship sober I can say that this Xmas is defiantly different. Now with all the happy holiday hoopla you can feel the pressure and maybe a little bit of loneliness. If you are like me you want someone to sit with you on the couch all cuddled up under a blanket while drinking hot coco. You imagine what it would be like to have someone for the holidays so that feeling doesn't haunt you like the ghost of Christmas past. I remember just last year, when I was in my own relationship, I didn't want my boyfriend to get me a gift and that I was just happy to have him. Instead, he showed up at my door with a little gift in hand. Just seeing him there (even thought he had given me a heads up before that he would stop by) made me the happiest person in the world. Now I sit alone in my room writing this because yes I am single, and probably will be for a while due to my quirky personality, but I am still having a very merry Christmas. So chin up and have a little more eggnog...  

Yours truly,
Riley Scout
"Last Christmas" by Wham

September 15, 2015

Three years and counting...

This is one of the happiest days for me because today marks the three years I have been posting my free handed writing on this blog. It has been the longest standing commitment I have ever made and will ever make. This little site is one that I cherish and hold close to me because it is more than just a blog to me. It is something that has kept me doing the thing that I love the most. Writing. Never have I felt more passion toward one thing that I do towards me writing. It has helped me through a lot and I am greatful for every piece that I come up with. So thank you for reading this blog and supporting me and what I do.

August 13, 2015

Life on a road (haiku)

If life were a road
Then what if I were a car
Then where would I go

What to do (haiku)

If I had the time 
If I could be someone else 
Then what would I do

Strung out

What if I held a string 
What if I were that string 
Would I pull it tight 
Or let it suspend in air 
Would I stay on a planned path 
Or see where everything takes me 

July 24, 2015

A Gift

The doorbell rings at an approach
The wiggling handle moves the most
How your drum beats study in your ear
How you hold back a fearful tear
Then you open was such a surprise
Two boxes and a note
"One is a gift that opens your mind,
Another a curse to bring you to your demise"

I am Paint

I am smeared on I canvas
Raped by other colors
And stabbed by hairy bristles
I stained clothes and carpet
I am wash down the drain
Unwanted till made into perfection
Which only the beholder can pronounce
I am oil 
I am at the will of one
One that is many
An artist
A visual musician
I am the liquid clay they mold
Holding my shape and design
On a paper
Or wall
I am paint

Oh Captain of Wedding

Oh bride and groom
Your fearful planning is done
The dress has been found
The tux has been worn
And the rings you now adorn

Oh bridesmaid and groomsmen
Your loyalt, worthwhile
To see them beam and smile
Out with the old and in with the new
All for the "I do"

Oh father of the bride
You stand tall and proud
As you walk her down
And now you stand
For the other man

May 30, 2015

Civil Rights Thourgh History

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”
- Nelson Mandela

    I believe that Nelson Mandela summed up rights, liberties, and freedom in this quote. It is true that if you take away someone’s, or anyones’, rights you are challenging them and they will bite back. Humans are intelligent animals for the most part and we will find away around you to get what we want. Weather it be stomping our feet on the ground screaming or doing something in return. Mandela, along with others, lead a revolution that did both very successfully with formal statements, processions, international government action, alternative government institutions, boycotts, and strikes.
    In the 1820s women began to want not to be trapped in a small box of freedom while men had a house. They wanted to have the same rights and they were willing to fight. During this time women were making the headlines and speaking their minds. All over the nation women were lecturing, writing, marching, lobbying, and practicing civil disobedience. Most of the time, when protesting, they were arrested and imprisoned.
    Susan B. Anthoney,committed to equality and a strong feminist, played a major role in women’s suffrage. She and Elizabeth Cady Stanton founded the New York Women’s State Temperance Society in 1852. They later founded the Women’s Loyal National League which created the largest petition drive in the nation up to that time with nearly 400,000 signatures. Proving that human rights progression was possible and that there were also plenty of men who thought that sex had nothing to do with voting. In 1921, the 19th Amendment was passed by congress stating “The right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
    In 1652, the dutch began colonizing South Africa and capturing the natives, which they would sell into slavery. After decades of the “Superior Whites” ruling over them, the natives decided that they wanted a change. In 1948, an all white-election was established however this of course did not please the South Africans because they could not vote due to there skin color. *cough cough* America *cough*. So a South African apartheid regime was created. The first falling domino for a national movement.
    The time between 1948 to 1994, when Mandela was elected president, many things worked their way into the news and made the Dutch rule come to an end. Formal statements were made, like in 1952 the ANC (African National Congress) asked for the support of the  citizens of South Africa, all races, to end the “unjust and discriminatory laws.” There were also processions like in July 1961 were about 18,000 black supported came and marched in front of parliament despite the government’s threats. “Mini-governments” were set up in black townships to provide alternative government institutions. These townships supported their own judicial system and serves such as police, street cleaning, health care, and garbage removal. This movement also used international government action, boycotts, and strikes.
    After the Civil War there was a LOT of racial tension in the south. This created even more problems for African Americans to face, even in the 60s. During this time segregation was the norm and everyone was use to it, but quite a few did not enjoy it. Rosa Parks was one who was tired after work and refused to move when a White man needed a place to sit even though she was seated in the back of the bus where blacks would sit. However now it's a fight to sit in the back on the school buss. She was arrested of course. Martin Luther King Jr. was another major person in the Civil Rights Movement. He helped organize sit-ins, boycotts, marches, civil disobedience, etc… He was also arrested and later killed.
    This was a time of change. Many families had tvs in their homes, news reporters were at the protests, so everyone saw what was happening. People were being hosed down in the streets, attacked while being peaceful, and like Emmett Till were killed for illegitimate reasons. The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most well known movements in American history. This is a time that set the stage for another movement that continues on today.
    This movement is the LGBT movement. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. This movement started back in the 50s with just coming out about the whole thing. Most people did not understand it and could not imagine the thought of a same sex couple. LGBT used and continues to protest and use legal action in order to get to its goal of same sex marriage and deeper awareness of homosexuals and other alike.
Unlike what many people think it is not wrong to love. Loving is a thing that we all do and love is a thing that like rights we all deserve. The LGBT mission quote is “love can’t wait” which I agree with. If you had two people who loved each other and wanted to get married for all the right reasons would you? The Supreme Court will decide on the matter next month.
In conclusion, with all that has been said, I do believe that history repeats itself in some way shape or form due to the fact that we are all human and humans have habits. Just remember that if you take away our rights we will fight. You try to take away what we believe we will tell you the truth of the matter. You can knock us down, but we will get right back up again. No matter the obstacle. 

1. "To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very ..." 2012. 19 May. 2015 <>
2. "The Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa." 2013. 19 May. 2015 <>
3.  "The Fight for Women's Suffrage - History Channel." 2014. 22 May. 2015 <>
5.  "History of slavery and early colonisation in South Africa ..." 2011. 22 May. 2015 <>
6. "The Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa." 2013. 19 May. 2015 <>
7.  "Civil Rights Movement - Black History -" 2014. 23 May. 2015 <
8. "History of Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Social Movements." 2010. 23 May. 2015 <>
9.  "The End Goal of the LGBT Movement | George Weinberg." 2013. 23 May. 2015 <>

May 8, 2015

Things That...

Oh many a thing can amaze
Oh many a thing can amuse
But with many agaze
And with many to choose
Such things shall escape

Candle Light

Now upon such a light
With little fading will
Nothing may burn so bright
Just until
A whispering breath may blow

No Punctuation

A world so stygian and bleak sence is nothing and all is gloomy there is no stopping or calm there is no comma or break no end will you find to breathe you must not stop you can not stop the space between  these   words   is   the closest    you    will   ever     get

now  you  breathe
now    you     stop
now is your break
g e t         r e a d y
g e t               s e t

Now you run once again no stopping to no end will your path cease time will never standstill space will   only  grow  smaller   nothing   is   ever   e n o u g h    no   where   is      ever            ->        near

s e t

February 27, 2015

Tall Tale

Such a tall story
Without any glory
The tale of a man
Who discovered a great land
To with no avil
He was swallow whole by a whale

Color Schemes

     There are 50 shades of grey
And 100 are blue
     There are 44 shades of white
And which some are new
     There are 78 themes of black
Oh what ever shall we do
     There are a million... BILLION colors
But I just named 262

Across: this outrageous notion

Hop on a plane
And fly across the ocean
I know it sound insane
About this outrageous notion

But believe me
When I say
You will see
When you come my way

Come one or many
Come all
Or any
You shall tell a tale so tall 

February 26, 2015

End of All Days

   This is the time that will be remembered forever. This is when everyone will look back in either disgust of in sweet pleasure. I don't know which for I will relish life in sweet neutrality. When we shall fade and blow away into oblivion and see the blinding light of our diminishing, everlasting sun. When we shall no longer have books for they will become warmth when all the power fails for its final time. An eternal blackout. Everyone expects violence and panic, but most are too scared to leave their homes in fear of what is in their own heads.

A Fading Friend

First you feet go cold
Then your fingers and toes
Just as you were told
Just as your child grows

Then everything becomes clear
You begin to fray and fade
You will soon be an old tear
Just as soon as you were made

No one saw you to begin with
But that makes no difference
You were your child's myth
Now you become pass tense

Dream Catcher

I hang in your window
Above your bed
Above your head
You sleep and I swing
Filtering your dreams
Through my lovely seams
I catch the unwanted
The nightmares and fears
To save you from tears
And when I am filled
To the brim and back
You shake me out like a dirty sack
Then I go to my place
Above your bed
Above your head

The Wishing Ages

When you're seven
You wish you were five
When you're eleven
You wish you were nine

When you're freshman
You want to be junior
When you're senior
You wish you were done sooner

Now that you're older
And the work day is longer
You wish you were seven
So you could wish to be five

February 14, 2015

Valentines Day

Okay now this year I am not a single lady for this little spectacle of a holiday, but I can at least give my take on it all. Now I may sound a little cynical, but please remember that this is the first time someone will "be my Valentine."
On February the 14th there will be many spectacles of "love" that is translated diversely over the community. Now of the couples you will have many different things like gift giving to flowers to (cough) romantic evenings...
Yes Valentines day is National Sex Day (sorry had to say it, kind of a line I've been wanting to use). So yes bring out your inner E L James.
Now for the single ladies well... they will just go see the movie.

February 3, 2015

Dead as a Deer

I lay there in the grass
My eyes wide 
As I look out at the road
My ribs have been shattered
My heart beats one more time
Then my little watch stops
My lungs inflate then collapse 
Under the weight of my limp nimble body
I use to dance in the forest's the ballet
Now I lie dead on the curb
Now I slowly rot
Now my ribs are exposed
Now I am exposed

February 2, 2015


Oh how soft and swiftly the night may come
Oh how steady your heart beats like a drum

In the dead of night when all lie asleep
You lay alive and count your ghostly sheep

All sound hits like a clap of thunder
All shadows grow to a fifty foot wonder

Your eyes peel back with the amazement and fright
While you lie in the dead of night