December 12, 2014

It's Nothing But a Monster

I hear the creaking of the steps
I hear the voices inside my head
You ask me what scares me
It is the pitch black in the night
The boogie man under my bed
The claw marks on the walls
And torn up carpet on the floor
A thick smell of whisky in the air
And you ask why I'm scared
The fighting and the yelling
The verbal war that has now begun
And in the midnight hour
When men become monsters
When the talons of hell come reaching up
You ask me what scares me
But I assure you
It's nothing

The Phonics of Life

B is for the bell
That I sometimes don't hear
D is for the door
That has come so near

P is for pavement
That I walk of everyday
K is for the kindness
That warms my tender heart

Y is for the yelling
That rings in my ears
W is for why things happen
In which I do not know

Walking the Halls

I walk down the halls, following each tile, so simply laid out. I walk to the place were destiny awaits. Where my fate rest in the hands of a man who, some unknown way hates me. That despicable face, I will forever loath the day I first met him and forever love the day when I leave. I walk to the room that will forever haunt me. I walk down the endless hall to seek out my forever ending fat. It is judgement day. It is the hour, minute, moment, second, when I shall arrive and see the smirk ripped of his He will tell me to leave and never come back, but I will remind him of who I am. I will tell the truth of his unlawful prejudice and speak it to the world. He wants to tell me that I cannot leave without my pride, but I shall stay with my head held much higher than before. Even if the fates don't allow I shall fight and forever walk there hells, No more torture, ridicule, or pain. No amount of torment could ever keep me away. When all is said , and all is done, I shall walk back down this hell. I will not run.

Unlock the Lavender Door

A little gold key
A grand lavender door
More than just an entrance
It's an escape
But to what
To what should this lead
To what should we call such a pleasure
If it is one at all
Put in the key
Turn till the...
Grip the stony brass knob
And turn
Push and release