I hear the creaking of the steps
I hear the voices inside my head
You ask me what scares me
It is the pitch black in the night
The boogie man under my bed
The claw marks on the walls
And torn up carpet on the floor
A thick smell of whisky in the air
And you ask why I'm scared
The fighting and the yelling
The verbal war that has now begun
And in the midnight hour
When men become monsters
When the talons of hell come reaching up
You ask me what scares me
But I assure you
It's nothing
December 12, 2014
The Phonics of Life
B is for the bell
That I sometimes don't hear
D is for the door
That has come so near
P is for pavement
That I walk of everyday
K is for the kindness
That warms my tender heart
Y is for the yelling
That rings in my ears
W is for why things happen
In which I do not know
That I sometimes don't hear
D is for the door
That has come so near
P is for pavement
That I walk of everyday
K is for the kindness
That warms my tender heart
Y is for the yelling
That rings in my ears
W is for why things happen
In which I do not know
Walking the Halls
I walk down the halls, following each tile, so simply laid out. I walk to the place were destiny awaits. Where my fate rest in the hands of a man who, some unknown way hates me. That despicable face, I will forever loath the day I first met him and forever love the day when I leave. I walk to the room that will forever haunt me. I walk down the endless hall to seek out my forever ending fat. It is judgement day. It is the hour, minute, moment, second, when I shall arrive and see the smirk ripped of his He will tell me to leave and never come back, but I will remind him of who I am. I will tell the truth of his unlawful prejudice and speak it to the world. He wants to tell me that I cannot leave without my pride, but I shall stay with my head held much higher than before. Even if the fates don't allow I shall fight and forever walk there hells, No more torture, ridicule, or pain. No amount of torment could ever keep me away. When all is said , and all is done, I shall walk back down this hell. I will not run.
Unlock the Lavender Door
A little gold key
A grand lavender door
More than just an entrance
It's an escape
But to what
To what should this lead
To what should we call such a pleasure
If it is one at all
Put in the key
Turn till the...
Grip the stony brass knob
And turn
Push and release
A grand lavender door
More than just an entrance
It's an escape
But to what
To what should this lead
To what should we call such a pleasure
If it is one at all
Put in the key
Turn till the...
Grip the stony brass knob
And turn
Push and release
November 29, 2014
I Will Not Watch
Watching can be the most painful thing you can do
They speak louder than words
But what is the action of not acting at all
What do you do?
When everyone tells you there is nothing you can do
Where is the forbidden line?
That is never to be crossed
Well I have found that line
I will not stand back any more
I will stand up and shout
I will no longer wither
I will no longer wait
I will no longer watch
I will act
I will do
October 31, 2014
Five Reasons Why We Should Assimilate Less
“I don't believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the case for everyone.” (Chang-Rae Lee) This is a quote made by Chang-Rae Lee, a Korean American author and creative writing professor at Princeton University. I believe that this quote says a lot about why we should assimilate less because as he says complete assimilation is not possible. If we were to fully assimilate into another culture then we would have to give up our minds. We would have to forget everything that we have previously learned. Forget our customs and the whole world that we have come from. Forget, the mind,s most haunting fear.
“Forget your customs and ideals. Select a goal and pursue it with all your might. You will experience a bad time but sooner or later you will achieve your goal. Don’t take a moment’s rest. Run.”(History) This is a quote given to us from a guidebook given to immigrants who came over in 1880-1930. In some ways this can be taken as a polite word of advice, however this also entails of what was to come of the immigrants. It tells of the hardships they would go through, of how, if they preceded to follow their traditional culture, will have many discrepancies between them and those who lived by the American customs.
Assimilation, be that as it may, is not just consisted of immigrants and how they were forced to adapt, but also a person moving from one area, like a small town, to another, perhaps large city. Even this adjustment can be difficult for the average person, which can lead to stress and other health problems relating to that. Stress is a strong feel of worry that can over time can lead to different types of health problems. Some of these problems include serious heart problems, asthma, obesity, diabetes, depression, stomach problems, headaches, advanced aging, early death, along with many other things (WebMD). Stress can also lead to reckless behavior that can cause the death of someone else.
Recent studies show that substance use and alcoholism have been connected to assimilation (Warner). It shows that with the new environment that comes with moving and the cultural adjustment have also come to harm the health of some who do assimilate. Assimilation means to take up the dominant culture in the region that you have moved to. This also includes reckless behaviors that are well know in that culture like drugs and alcohol. Now not everyone takes up illegal drugs just because they move to the wrong side of the tracks, but it is a factor, especially if you move to a region with a culture that is the complete opposite of what you came from. Alcoholism also is related to stress and people trying to “make it through the day.” Studies show that about 1 in 10 deaths of working adults are caused by alcohol. This can include heart disease, breast cancer, liver disease, violence, alcohol poisoning, and one of the most tragics, drunk driving. Stressed based alcoholism can be brought on by many things, nonetheless the most well know is work related stress. When coming from a different country and being forced to assimilate and work in lower class jobs can cause a lot of stress on a person. Not being able to pay the bills, trying to feed your child or children, a failing marriage, and many other things can come along on the bandwagon of stress in your life that can lead you to make decisions that could forever change your life.
“Oooh! Alright, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family!” -Mulan (1998)
Honor and shame are two pressures put on the shoulders of household woman in Southern Asia. This stress put on them normally leads to self harm and other mental problems that are considered taboo in that region. If this is how people respond to honour in their home country then imagine how they would react to leaving and dishonoring their family in the process. In some cultures dishonoring your family can result in feelings of anger and disappointment to the most extreme case of honor killing. Honor killing is a traditional practice of killing a family member who was believed to have dishonored or brought shame onto the family. Just this past June, in Pakistan, a newly wed couple was murdered in a honor killing by the brides parents because they did not give them their blessings. “The bride's father and uncles lured the couple back to the village of Satrah in Punjab province, where Ahsanullah said the pair were tied up and then decapitated.” (CNN World) If this is what they do when marriage blessing are not made then imagine what would happen to someone who assimilated into a new culture. Talk about a bad family reunion.
America has been know to be the “melting pot.” This statement refers to the blending of cultures from the immigrants who came over in the Great Migration. However, in today’s society it is no longer as accepting. People are now wanting immigrants to assimilate and become more like them. People complain about the spanish options at the ATM and the multiple language option on directions. Americans are wanting immigrants to become more english and adapt to our culture. How is this just and fair? We were at one point an immigrant, an outsider, a misfit. Even if you are the pinnacle of popularity, your heritage consists of people who were not as fortunate to have such a high position in society. In contrast, there are those who accept other cultures without even realizing it.
Further more, from the evidence that shows, I firmly believe that assimilation is not always apropriate. From stress to dishonoring, assimilation can lead to more trouble and problems than it's worth. People move to find better things, but forcing them to become something they are not is wrong. Having to leave a place is hard enough, why do we need to make it harder? Why do we need to put more things on other'd minds? Why go through all of that just for people to "fit in?" Why?
October 18, 2014
A Myth About the Stars
Once there was a wise old man and he had a magic crayon make of frosty white snow from the highest peak of the tallest mountain, the sparkliest crystals form the darkest cave, the wax from the sweetest honey bees, and in the light it twinkled like the joy in a child’s eyes. Now this man made the crayon because every night the sun would set and there would be no light. So the wise old man would climb up the highest mountain everyday and as the sky turned black he would draw a little star in the sky to help illuminate the velvety cloaked night. He would then walk down to the village and rest. Then in the following days he would continue on.
However, one day, a curious little boy saw how the man climbed the mountain and how he would draw a single little star every night. The little boy wanted to draw a star as well, so one night after the man came home, falling fast asleep, the boy tip toed in and stole the crayon. The little boy could not wait to start lighting up the night sky so he set out, up the mountain.
The next morning the wise old man woke up and looked for the crayon. He searched the entire morning, but to no avail. He thought and thought about it all morning until it was time for him to journey up the mountain. Then he set out on the long trail once again without the crayon.
Finally when he reached the top the wise old man saw the little boy with the magic crayon. The little boy say on the top of the mountain and looked down upon the valley as he waited for the sun to finally set and for the night to come. The old man didn’t want to startle the little boy and knew that he would tire out soon, so the old man sat down and leaned back against a small tree that was nearby. A short time later the wise old man fell asleep, but the little boy did not. The little boy stared up at the black sky and how all the little stars glittered in the sea of ink. Then he stood up and reached as far as he could and drew a single star. The little boy loved the feeling of creating something so beautiful, so he drew another and another, until he had drawn five new stars. Then he had an idea, “why not make a picture in the sky?” So the little boy started to draw a picture with the stars until he had a small spoon in which he called the little dipper. Then he drew another one right next to it, but bigger. Then he drew more and more pictures all over the night sky.
Just as the little boy was finishing his last illustration, the old man woke up and saw what he had done. The old man sprung up like a freed spring and ran at the boy. The little boy then lept up and landed on a star. The old man stopped and looked up at the little boy standing on one of the many stars that he had drawn. He was puzzled, but decided to do the same, knowing that he need to get his magic crayon back. The old man hopped up and landed wobbly on a star next to the little boy. The boy then lept to another that was farther away from the old man. The old man followed in an uneasy pursuit. Then began the chase that still continues on today and every once in a while you can see the little boy with the crayon darting across the sky in a blink of an eye.
September 29, 2014
was love, it was romance, and may I emphasize those two words in italics? Yes,
in this day and age we are subjected to one anothers' love lives, how ever fiery
or fictional it may be. We are the depicted personnel of ones romantic novel or
we are the sad readers of the glorified visionary. We are all, tall to short,
broad to twig, and worm to socialist, the objectives of the people we turn to
when we need a new reality. With out those seductive literary “Gods” we would
maybe a little dramatic on my part, but isn’t it true? Isn’t it fact that most
of the woman population is desperately drawn to these things. These pieces of
misunderstood writings. Well I know I am. Yes, guilty as charged in the court
of society’s judgment. I happen to enjoy the romantic novel section. I find it
very riveting. Okay, maybe not that
much, but it is a decent selection of books and besides its not just the
literary, it’s also the media.
no, you’re not backing out of this one. You know you do, so just admit it. You
follow love stories on the news and in movies and sitcoms. You know you do, Grey’s
Anatomy, The Bachelor, The Notebook, they draw you in like
magnet until you can’t live with out it. Yes, romantic media is now our own “dirty
little secret…”
September 28, 2014
My High-Five System
was recently diagnosed with panic disorder. This means that at times I can’t
control how I react to stress and presser sometimes. This means that I shake to
the point that it’s harder to write and sometimes I collapse from my knees
going weak. I feel anxious and I don’t know what to do. I get nervous and think
that I can’t do something anymore or I won’t get it done in time. I get chest
pains and it can be hard to breathe. My heart races and I get light headed. I
am a teal ribbon.
know that things are hard. I know that life can throw you some crummy curve
balls that can seem to send your life into a tailspin. I know this for a fact,
but I also know that finding the little things that can make you smile in these
hard times can make things so much better. I know that it can be difficult to
find those things, but spending just a little time looking for those things can
just as easily get your mind off of your bad situation. Even when you can’t
find anything there is one thing you can do…
smiling can help improve your mood. Studies show that if you smile for sixty
seconds, only a minute out of the 1,440 minutes you have in a day, can
significantly enhance your mood. Making you happier. So I have developed a
simple way to spread the smiles. I call it my High-Five System.
High-Five System is based off of three things. One, smiling for one
minute can improve your mood. Two, smiles are contagious. Three, we can count
to five. This only takes five minutes out of your whole day and they don’t have
to be consecutive, meaning that you can do a minute or two here, a minute or
two there, and so forth but you must do at least a minute or else the
system is pointless. This is how it works; you start out by smiling on your own
for one minute at least. You can do this by thinking about something that makes
you happy, doing something that makes you happy, or anything along those lines
just as long as it makes you happy and you are smiling for at least a minute.
Then you smile at someone else and make him or her happy for at least a minute.
Then another and another until you have made four people smile, not including
your self. So now that you have completed this you have made a “high-five” by
making yourself happy and four other people. Now go out and do it
September 15, 2014
Happy Two Years!!!!!
I can't believe it's been two years since I started this blog and I just want to say thank you everyone for reading this blog and supporting me and my writing.
Thank you soooo much,
Riley M.
September 5, 2014
Running Man
I stand there hunched over with my
hands resting above my knees. I’m out of breath and almost out of road. I had
come to find that in my retreat I had lost my right shoe and was left with only
a sock revealing a hole exposing my large toe. Sweat rolled off the top of my
newly shaved head like rain, slipping down to my eyebrows and gliding off of
them as though they were gutters. Then finally falling off the face of the
house and puddling on the ground. The seen in which I had just come from was
one that no man should ever see. The feeling that gnawed at me in side was one
that no man should ever feel. It was more than fear, more than terror, more
than an other gut wrenching feeling combined. It was gruesome and warped. The
memory will always be imbedded and gnarled in my mind. Faces blurred into
infinity, so important yet to some, so meaning less. I can still hear the
screams. The story would be front-page come morning, as I heard the police
rushing by as I frantically ran. I was a witness. The warnings seem
so obvious to me now as I recall it all, though at the time I saw none. The
fate was inevitable, but could it have been postponed? In the light of all that
had happened the sun still shone brightly as the day slowly faded away. Its
raise beating down upon my swollen face, the humidity in the air weighed
heavily on me, breathing was like trying to swim in a pool of tar. My lungs
burned and my heart felt as though it were about to give out. A gash resided on
the left side of my face, though no blood left from it. “What in the world is
left for me to do? Surly there was something, but what?”
August 24, 2014
Street Light
One little street light
Tucked in the pocket of the city
Glowing with its orange haze
The sun not even set
Its heart content
Under the sherbet sky
Tucked in the pocket of the city
Glowing with its orange haze
The sun not even set
Its heart content
Under the sherbet sky
August 17, 2014
Tattoo Love
Love at first sight
Love art first light
Love light a rose
So delicate and sweet
Amour à la première vue
Amour à la première lumière
Aimer comme une rose
Si délicat et doux
Love art first light
Love light a rose
So delicate and sweet
Amour à la première vue
Amour à la première lumière
Aimer comme une rose
Si délicat et doux
July 28, 2014
Love and Every that Comes with it
What is love? Why does it make us
feel the way that we do? Why is it that when we are near someone that we truly
love we feel both contentment and, in some cases, a burning fire of passion?
Why is it that only few seem to meet our standards of love? Why does love feel
sooooo good and yet when its gone it hurts like hell? Why is it that we fall in
love? Why can't we fly? Why...
Wait I know what you're thinking...
"Oh my God what is with this chick and her questions? Oh. My. God. Now I'm
asking them." Yes, I know, I can get a little annoying... "Ha! A
little annoying! That's an understatement." Okay, Okay, I get it, but
please hear me out on this one. "Okay. Fine." Thank you.
What is love? Well by definition it
is a strong feeling of affection and even attraction. Though some might say
other wise, like it is a feeling of compassion and contentment, or it is the
driving force behind the beating of our hearts, the burning passion that
enlightens our soul, and the wind beneath our soaring wings as we fall
gracefully into the arms of one another. Well love can be all of these, but I
think that all of that was just a little bit too poetic for some so I will turn
it down and put it in other, more simpler terms. Love is something that we feel
when we like someone else very strongly. Sometimes love can be blind, deaf, or
even immobile, but that doesn't mean that its not love. Love is something that
can be mistaken for other things, but if it's true and real, *slight smile*
you'll know.
Why does it make us feel the way
that we do? Well we feel this way due to the chemicals in our brains, but I
sure as hell I'm not going to go into that. What I do know is that we feel the
way we feel because we really and truly love that person. The way that we want
to stay enveloped in some one's arms or how we get butterflies when you see
your "crush" walk by (I bet you just thought of that person, didn't
you?). Yes, we are human and we feel these things even when we really really
don't want to. So let those feelings fly.
Why is it that only few seem to
meet our standards of love? This all depends on who you are and what your
background story is. I can't tell you much other than once you find out what
makes you "tick," I guess you can say, you won't really know the
Why does love feel sooooo good and
yet when its gone it hurts like hell? This is because we become attached to the
person that we love. We tend to become so attached that when we are forced to
detach, heck even the mere thought of it, puts us in emotional distress and
turmoil. In layman's terms, we become heartbroken. We feel the emotional pain
and the physical pain that sometimes comes along with it. We are humans that
can't function in the world alone. We can't stand to be lonely. That is why we
make friends, date, and are social. It is because we are social creatures and
to be isolated is to be put in the deepest darkest regions of hell its self. No
self-help book can truly tell you otherwise. Yes, you can be single and not
mingle, but are you really alone, even in the lowest part of your life? No,
because you have friends and family that is there for you as well. A significant
other is just someone who is there for you in all emotional ways. It's okay to
be single though because like they say love is a roller coaster, you just have
to get on for the ride and hang on.
Why is it that we fall in love? Why
can't we fly? I guess in some ways you do both in love. We "fall" for
one another and we feel so high on the dopamine in our brain that is causing us
to feel so happy when in love that we feel as though we are "flying."
So why fall? Well love can be like a roller coaster, like I said before, and
with all roller coasters there are ups and downs. Now we feel as though we are
"falling" in love because when around your significant other you feel
light, happy, and excited, are we not? Well all of that is like when you are
going down a big hill on the thrill ride. Your stomach stinks to your feet as
your heart races much faster than normal, though these feelings are more so out
of fear of falling and the anticipation of that long drop. So how does fear and
love relate? Well the fear of loosing your significant other can also have a
roll in feeling as though you have fallen in love because that ominous fear of
loosing the other person in your life can trigger the same type of feelings
though this can also be because you have broken your heart before and you're
scared that you will do it again.
July 22, 2014
"Funny Valentine"
Oh how the trumpets sound and the sweet melody of the saxophones. The trill of the flute and my foot tapping to the steady beat of the drum. Then his voice plays of the speakers. Its floats in the air and sends a chill up your spine as you sit back and relax. "Good Ol' Franky Boy" mother used to say. He stood up there like a gentleman. All the women in that place swooned over him. It was like Macy's on Black Friday, just without the chaos. He started out fast to arouse the crowd, then slowed down to "Funny Valentine." Oh how I adore that song. I mean, prenez-moi la maison mon amour, oops sorry. I love that song.
Then with all his cockiness he sings "I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow. Got the string around my finger. What a world, what a life, I'm in love!" Yup that's Franky for ya.
Then with all his cockiness he sings "I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow. Got the string around my finger. What a world, what a life, I'm in love!" Yup that's Franky for ya.
Dear Few People Who will Read this,
I have yet another question for you. Yes, I know this is really getting old, but we were made to ask them, so why not.
Why do we miss people? Why does it seem that even when we tell ourselves not to, we still do? Why is it so hard to let go of things in life? Including people. Why?
Okay, so that was more than one question, but you get my point. So, I guess now is when most would give the everyday answer of "Well, it's because we care about it, or them." But why? Why do we care so much about something or someone that we can't seem to detach ourselves form it/them? Why? I ask. Why?!
Okay, a little dramatic and over the top there. My bad, but still... Why? Why can't we live a life without being constantly haunted of caring? Or having that nagging feeling of it?
Here's why. It's because we have hearts. We have feelings, which in most of us causes us to think of others and how what we say and what we do makes them feel. We have brains which cause us to think of others and the chemicals and hormones don't emotionally let us forget easily. Yes, we are human and we make mistakes, but it's what and who we care about that make us learn from them and change. We change everyday for it and though it may be a nagging,bitching, pain in the ass, (sorry for the language, but I'm still entitled to freedom of speech) but it is what continually makes us who we are. I only hope that you care about the right things and the right people because the wrong things/people can bring you down to very low places.
The Question Freak
Why do we miss people? Why does it seem that even when we tell ourselves not to, we still do? Why is it so hard to let go of things in life? Including people. Why?
Okay, so that was more than one question, but you get my point. So, I guess now is when most would give the everyday answer of "Well, it's because we care about it, or them." But why? Why do we care so much about something or someone that we can't seem to detach ourselves form it/them? Why? I ask. Why?!
Okay, a little dramatic and over the top there. My bad, but still... Why? Why can't we live a life without being constantly haunted of caring? Or having that nagging feeling of it?
Here's why. It's because we have hearts. We have feelings, which in most of us causes us to think of others and how what we say and what we do makes them feel. We have brains which cause us to think of others and the chemicals and hormones don't emotionally let us forget easily. Yes, we are human and we make mistakes, but it's what and who we care about that make us learn from them and change. We change everyday for it and though it may be a nagging,
Thanks for listening,
July 13, 2014
The Storm
At the mercy
Of a frightening storm
Under siege
And under prepared
We stand
Side by side
Taking in the blows
No sandbags
Nor shelter
Could protect us from this
It's a beast
A monster
Just a whole other breed
There's no way to control it
No where to run
To hide
So we just face it
With fear in our eyes
As we see it before us
Our own lives
Of a frightening storm
Under siege
And under prepared
We stand
Side by side
Taking in the blows
No sandbags
Nor shelter
Could protect us from this
It's a beast
A monster
Just a whole other breed
There's no way to control it
No where to run
To hide
So we just face it
With fear in our eyes
As we see it before us
Our own lives
June 26, 2014
Zzzzzzzzz.... Sleeping
The night continues on...
The sleeping songs begun...
The is no other like it...
The snoring...
The tossing...
And turning...
And the night goes on...
The night continues on...
The sleeping songs begun...
The is no other like it...
The snoring...
The tossing...
And turning...
And the night goes on...
A Nonsensical Ryme
The ground beneath me melts away.
Into the night of loving day.
I feel its warmth in no shade of gray.
It fills me
Revives me
Like a tall glass of tea
There is no other
There is no brother
Not even a mother
I only ask
For one more task
To paint a mask
I like to smile
Like a bright tile
While walking a mile
I know this makes no sense, but sometimes the only thing we need is a little bit of randomness in our life. So be a goof and spread the joy.
Into the night of loving day.
I feel its warmth in no shade of gray.
It fills me
Revives me
Like a tall glass of tea
There is no other
There is no brother
Not even a mother
I only ask
For one more task
To paint a mask
I like to smile
Like a bright tile
While walking a mile
I know this makes no sense, but sometimes the only thing we need is a little bit of randomness in our life. So be a goof and spread the joy.
The Demon Within Me
I start my lonely journey,
Down this long empty trail.
Just me,
My friend,
And the pitch black road beneath me.
Though I call it a friend,
It is not one to me.
It is a demon,
a parasite,
that feeds off of me.
Off my misery and pain.
I throw down my bottle.
It shatters,
And scatters.
Because of this thing,
This addiction,
This monster that grows inside of me,
I have nothing left.
No home.
No family.
What is it worth?
What is left?
After the bottles and shots.
What is left of me?
A slob with slurred words,
And stammering,
Stomping feet.
I wobble and fall.
Only to wake with a retched "hangover"
Down this long empty trail.
Just me,
My friend,
And the pitch black road beneath me.
Though I call it a friend,
It is not one to me.
It is a demon,
a parasite,
that feeds off of me.
Off my misery and pain.
I throw down my bottle.
It shatters,
And scatters.
Because of this thing,
This addiction,
This monster that grows inside of me,
I have nothing left.
No home.
No family.
What is it worth?
What is left?
After the bottles and shots.
What is left of me?
A slob with slurred words,
And stammering,
Stomping feet.
I wobble and fall.
Only to wake with a retched "hangover"
June 24, 2014
Dear Men:
My friend recently sent me this and it got me thinking. I thought to myself, "Yes this is true, but isn't there more to this than meets the eye. What about the heart?" And I came to this conclusion...
The right woman will want your time, but she won't want to be greedy and take it all. She will want you to spend your quality time with others too. She will want your smile too, but she will want you to, again, to share it with the world as well. She will want you to be happy even when she isn't around. Of course she will want your honesty, I mean what girl wants a liar of a man, but she will want you to be honest with yourself as well. She will want you to see all the good in you that she sees. Yes, she will want your effort, but she will also want you to put your effort into making your dreams come true. And finally yes, she will want you to put her as a priority, but she will not want you to put her over everything else. She will understand that you have things that at times are more important than her. She will understand and will only love you more for doing the right thing. So all in all, Men, do your homework and find the right one. I'm sure you will.
The right woman will want your time, but she won't want to be greedy and take it all. She will want you to spend your quality time with others too. She will want your smile too, but she will want you to, again, to share it with the world as well. She will want you to be happy even when she isn't around. Of course she will want your honesty, I mean what girl wants a liar of a man, but she will want you to be honest with yourself as well. She will want you to see all the good in you that she sees. Yes, she will want your effort, but she will also want you to put your effort into making your dreams come true. And finally yes, she will want you to put her as a priority, but she will not want you to put her over everything else. She will understand that you have things that at times are more important than her. She will understand and will only love you more for doing the right thing. So all in all, Men, do your homework and find the right one. I'm sure you will.
Smile Movement :)
A smile is a gift even if some may say a curse. It’s a
sign of victory and a proud defeat. More than a grin. It’s a memory. A
lifetime. Happiness. It tells a story all on its own. No madder how you look at
it, a smile is a present sent from God. Some stories are old and a little
broken. Others are new and shiny. Some are yellow and need to be brushed, but
most are white. Smiles are shown in doodles and portraits. Smiles are
everywhere. Sometimes you just have to look at a frown up-side down. So lets
raze the corners of our mouths and smile.
June 20, 2014
An Up Side Down World
Oh when you see the
So up side down
Bottles and cans
Tables and tops
Carpets and rugs
Oh other things and
what knots
It makes you wonder
If you are looking
At the world
The right side up
My World
I live in a fantasy
Where there is no
No such thing as a travesty
I live in a world
That is light as a
Like spinning tops
that twirl
And where there is no
bad weather
Not in reality
Not in such brutality
In a world of wonder
And of no blunder
In a world of romance
All of by chance
If a heart were a
driving force
I’d let it take its
Nothing like this
Oh how I would miss
If it were gone
I’d be undone
Revenge so sweet
I can taste it on my
I thought it had
revived me
Of my pain and sorrow
But no
Twas not as
As a glass of water
Nor as sweet as a
cherry pie
So what is revenge
If not flattening the
playing field
Tis not extinguishing
the flame
But fueling it more
thy enemy’s rage
Where did the Party Go?
One thing turns to
the next
The lights dim down
The colors flash
Neon lights
Beer bottles
And way too many
drunken people
This is not where in
But where it began
Where it went
We will never know
And of we do
will wish we hadn’t
Blank Canvas
It sits there
Like a giant grizzly
Its blank eyes
In such enormous size
Stair strait back
Ready to attack
It mocks me
As plainly as you can
No muse
Only to lose
No inspiration
Only exasperation
It’s bold
And brave
And bizarre
Yet so very
Old Red Brick Building
My old red brick
It stands so tall and
My skyscraper,
My skyline.
My ceiling,
And floor.
My home.
It may not be much,
But it’s mine,
And it always will
My old red brick
Les Romantiques (Partly in French)
Amour à la première
Love at first sight.
Amour à la première
Love at first light.
Love at first…
We all want to know
What makes our hearts
It’s not just simple
It is the love and
That we feel for one
We reach
And sometimes achieve
What we all long for
Ever After…
The Young Union Soldier
Today I had to make
one of the hardest decision of my life, past, present, and possibly future. I
had to run away from my family, home, and everything I knew to join the Union.
To join the great big blue. To where the coat with the double-breasted buttons
shiny and new. To fight for the freedom and the rights of others. I want not
only to hear about the fight, not only to see the battle, but be along in the
struggle as well. I want to load my rifle, powder and ball. I want to aim. I
want to hear the canons shout and roar. The popping chatter of the guns. But I
don't want to shoot. I don't want to kill or harm anyone. I know I have to,
that I have no choice, but I can't. I just can't. To pull the trigger would not
only be the death of another man, but also of myself. To know that I've caused
bloodshed would make me bleed sorrow for years to come. My heart breaks at the
thought of making someone else's stop. I know I must fight to protect my men,
my family, me, but I just can't shake notion. The feeling. The pain. Though all
of this is for the right reason. For the right cause. For others’ rights. I
just can't do it. So shoot me down dear Lord, for if I fail you, but I cannot
murder. I cannot harm. I will not murder. I will not harm.
True Love, Young Love
stands there, waiting for him to arrive. She wonders if he will ever come to
find her. She waits for another moment and looks around. Turning over the idea
of leaving in her mind over and over. Then he's there, walking up from behind.
He finally reaches her and wraps his arms around her. He leans over just enough
to whisper in her ear "I love you." She recognizes his voice and the
warmth radiating off his strong muscular arms. She repeats the phrase back to him
as he twirls her around. They gaze into each other's eyes with such affection
that it would melt even the coldest of hearts. Then, for just a mere moment,
their lips meet. Chills run up their spines as their knees grow weak. Then they
just stand there. Spending borrowed time, as they embrace one another.
Surrounded by an overwhelming feeling of passion and joy.
Oh Sparrow with No Sorrow
The sparrow flew free as the wind. Soaring through the
breeze. Gliding upon wings of an angel. With such grace, I wish I could be her.
Flying high above the world and looking down from her point of view. She seems
so happy. So content with life. Then again, I would be too if I didn’t have a
care in the world. If only I could be her. If only, if only.
June 9, 2014
Second Date!!!
Today I had the most amazing day! I went to Kings Island and afterwards to the Reds game (sadly they lost to the Dodgers). But the best thing about today was that I spent the whole day with one of the most amazing men I know, my man. I love him to death and being with him today made my week. I don't know what I would do with out him. Can't wait to see him again!
-Riley M 💖
-Riley M 💖
June 7, 2014
Blue flames jump out
Then lie back down
The orange tongues
lick the air
As the fire growls
from within
Hissing and cursing
in the wind
Spitting its sparks
As it slowly withers
and dies
Down to the black and
white ashes
That mix to a gray
Then float away in
the breeze
Or sink into the
to strike again
Our Own Drum
The earth can tremble
and shake
It can slit apart
And explode
But what do we do
We conform
We bend
And change
With the sifting
We move
We grow
We reach new heights
We had never known
We are beautiful
In an ugly society
We fall and cry
We stand tall and
We march
To the beat of our
own drum
It thumps is our head
And chest and fills
With the deepest of
To rid the world
Of hate
And fear
March to that drum
Oh we shall
Stomp out the evil
solute to the sun
June 5, 2014
April 18, 1775
Pardon my step as I walk through your shadows. Of your
buildings and posts so grand. Hanging from them, such a magnificent diadem. I
bid you good morning as I pass you by in your stony stage to receive no reply.
I wish you good fortune as I take in my breath. Though you should heed my
warning and hear my cry. As the midnight hour strikes, we shall ride.
June 3, 2014
Be Who You Are
Do you ever wonder who you really are? I'm being serious here. Do you really know your self? We go through life hiding behind what we do and what we want. What reality is and what you want it to be, are two very different things. We walk around living in our own little fantasy and we pretend to be something that we are not. We image to live a double-life and that one very sad day we will save the world, or at least the office. We try to paint this image of what we want people to think of us when really it's not us at all. Maybe a few pieces here and there, but nothing really adds up. We want to live the dramatic life like so many stars have in the movies, when in real life we are only the background props. Not even suit to be seen up close. So we pretend. We act it all out in our minds and image that it's all real. But then again what is real. We are. We are what makes the world go round. Us as a whole, not just a few, but all of us. So I ask you again, who are you? Who are you? No I don't want a name, I want who you really are. A word, phrase, quote, anything. Just not a name. A name is just another thing to hide behind. Who are you truly?
The Music Addict
May 27, 2014
The End... Of Another School Year
Textbooks are returned. Notebooks closed. Lockers cleaned out. Bathing suits are being dusted off and drenched. Winter coats are buried in the backs of our closets. Pools are opening as classroom doors are locked. The school year is ending and the summer... only beginning. We say good bye to the desks and hello to the glorious sun. Happy summer vacation peeps!!!!
The New Girl (revised)
There she stood, with one foot in the door and one on
the freshly polished hallway floor. She was the new girl. The smell of
desperation, heavy perfume, and the highly toxic liquid that hardens on your
fingertips, surrounded her. There was only one thing on her mind and that was
either to stay or to sprint out of the devilish place that some had come to
call school. After a moment or so of searching for her answer and weighing her
decisions she came to a conclusion. So she took her foot out of the door and decided
to fight for her life just to get to her locker. The massively jammed halls led
to different locations, in which she knew none of. She needed so desperately to
find room 127 but the closest door to her read 003. This was going to be the
longest nine months of her life. She inhaled a breath that, unfortunately,
didn’t knock her unconscious. ‘If only I could just find a way to faint, then I
could go. Get way from this dreadful place and never come back,’ she thought to
herself, ‘If only…’ That’s where the thought stopped because at that very
moment someone knocked the books right out of her hands. Down to the floor they
went, like an avalanche cascading off Mt. Everest in the Mahalangur section of
the Himalayas. She only wished now that this was all just one very bad dream
that she would wake up to any minute now. But sadly, the refreshing reawakening
did not come.
May 17, 2014
4th of July
The cool crisp air stood still as the children danced
through the night. Magical and under appreciated, the light heartedness of the
youngsters that wonder about in such a daze from all of the lights that
twinkle, glitter, and shine high up in the night sky. Sparklers spit out their
blazing beads. Boom! The canons shout late after the fire goes out. Explosions
of colorful arrays of light. More than just stars tonight.
May 14, 2014
I'm a Little Furry Bandit
What I have to do just to get by in life. Not to starve. To
be able to see the sun come up tomorrow and the stars tonight. I dig through the
rotting garbage of humans that own the big forest size houses. I normally find
some decent scraps there. The smaller houses rarely have any. I guess they
don't believe in giving to the “lower class.” I don't believe that because I'm
not like them I should be subjected to this type of treatment. Just because I
look like a furry little cartoon bandit. Though if stealing the rubbish out of
gleaming aluminum cans were a crime I would be sent to the big house for twenty-five
to life. I tend to laugh at this notion.
April 10, 2014
April 6, 2014
First Date
Went on my first date yesterday! It was so amazing! I got home and curled up in bed like 'how could this be any better?' Went to see Captain America: Winter Soldier, then afterwords went to Larosa's. Like is said before... SOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!
April 2, 2014
My Everything
My knight in blue jeans
Who leaves his armor at home
My Prince Charming
Who leaves his crown at home
My amazing superman
Who leaves his cape at home
My savvy thief
Who stole my heart
Though he forgets so much
My heart he will never lose
Who leaves his armor at home
My Prince Charming
Who leaves his crown at home
My amazing superman
Who leaves his cape at home
My savvy thief
Who stole my heart
Though he forgets so much
My heart he will never lose
Nothing can compare,
To an old oak tree,
It stands so tall in the breeze.
Nothing can compare,
To a leaf from that tree,
That falls with such ease.
Nothing can compare,
To a heart,
That bleeds with such passion.
Nothing can compare,
To the love that we share.
March 28, 2014
Be There
I will be here through tick and thin.
Thunder and lightning.
Love and despair
But with you
There will be no harm or hurt.
No pain
Because when I look at you
I see joy
And peace.
Thunder and lightning.
Love and despair
But with you
There will be no harm or hurt.
No pain
Because when I look at you
I see joy
And peace.
March 27, 2014
Little Sis
There she stands
With her nose just above the counter
Propped up on her toes
A clumsy little ballerina
Rubber bands sit around her wrist
She searches of the jar
The box
The case
The safe
That holds the cookies
Her hair a little bob
So short and sweet
Just like her
My little sis
With her nose just above the counter
Propped up on her toes
A clumsy little ballerina
Rubber bands sit around her wrist
She searches of the jar
The box
The case
The safe
That holds the cookies
Her hair a little bob
So short and sweet
Just like her
My little sis
Alcoholic Mind
I'm in a drunken state
On level negative nine
As taboo as it seems
I'm still clear
Throw me a bottle
And I'll drink it
Throw me a riddle
And I'll solve it
On level negative nine
As taboo as it seems
I'm still clear
Throw me a bottle
And I'll drink it
Throw me a riddle
And I'll solve it
The crossing ties that bind us
The checkered strings that connect us
The endless things that divide us
The endless things that unite us
The checkered strings that connect us
The endless things that divide us
The endless things that unite us
March 26, 2014
March 22, 2014
The sun is bright, blazing through the clouds. The wind blistering and harsh at times, but right now, only a subtle breeze. If only spring hadn't come. If only winter could stay. Stay with the snow and frost. Oh yes I love the spring and all it's joys. All it's flowers and warmth. I wish I could see more, but by then my time is up and I can stand no more. Every year the same thing happens. Year after year I'm built and I stand tall. Then spring comes and I melt away into only a little puddle. A puddle smiling back with coal, buttons, and a carrot nose.
March 21, 2014
Till Hearts Galore
Swiftly swept
She mopped the floor
On her hands and knees
She scrubed it bare
The marble floor
She scrubed it bare
Till hearts galore
Lightning ⚡️
A fash
A bolt
The roaring
The light
The rain
The storm
A fash
A bolt
It pours
And puddles
It rolls
Down the window pane
A fash
A bolt
Love is a mysterious thing. It raps us up in a little fantasy that we can call our own and when we fall for our so called 'prince charming' or 'knight in shining armer' we feel as though we are on cloud nine. Until that one faithful day that that lovely little cloud slips of from under us and reality slips back in and shows us that life is still tough. That life is one of the harshest things we will ever know.
Right now I know what those clouds feel like. It's nothing that can be described. It is one of those things that heaven can't touch. I feel that now and I don't want to let is go. Even though I feel this way I can't help wonder if it will ever end. Then I pray that it will never end. That the smile will never fade and that my heart will never stop skipping. I hit reality everyday, but I always have my little fairytale to run to when I need it.
March 20, 2014
He keeps me warm
When the fire goes
He saves my day
When I can't save my
He's my rock
In the shifting tides
My sun on a cloudy
My knight in blue
My prince charming
Dancing me through
the night
The theft who stole
my heart
My rainbow after the
My ray of hope
In a hopeless world
My one
My only
March 11, 2014
In a Box
I'm in a box
So small and dark
I'm scared
Can't breathe
It smells musky
And the air is dusty
I'm in a box
And trapped for life
With no parole
No bail
And no way out
No door
Nor window
I want out
I'm in a box
The things that tell others
What we feel
The things that
Glue our feet to the ground
Let our heads float in the sky
Past the clouds and sun
Up to the star
High up above
These are my words
That I will cherish forever more
And I hope you will too
February 23, 2014
Then you realize
As the wind blew the shutters shook
The ground steady, but your legs shake with fear
The broken glass crept along the ground
Scattered by the blow they tried to fix the effect of the tragic memory
Flowers limp on the ground
Love gone with the breeze
And your heart crushed with agony
Then you realize...
You just got dumped
The ground steady, but your legs shake with fear
The broken glass crept along the ground
Scattered by the blow they tried to fix the effect of the tragic memory
Flowers limp on the ground
Love gone with the breeze
And your heart crushed with agony
Then you realize...
You just got dumped
Poker Face
I find my self in the basement of my colleague's house. The burning Cuban tobacco fills the room with an unmistakable scent that mixes with the muskiness of the pouring rain. The term "six feet under" doesn't hold a candle to this. I'm ten feet down and ten grand in. If there was ever a chance to turn back, now was not the time. The air is still as the sky rumbles. The roaring of the lions high over head and the flash of their illuminate manes, breaks the tension hovering in the muggy jungle air from time to time. Beads of sweat roll down my neck as I glance at my cards one last time. I've bet all that I brought and the cards in my hand waver in the fate of my destiny. Should I leave with the luck of the draw and the pot placed in front of me or leave with not even a thread of dignity left to my name? I feel uneasy, jumpy, on pins and needles, hung up on a string by the tattered collar of my over-used, under-appreciated polo shirt. My fate rests in the hands of people around me. I will not sleep tonight...
What is a House?...
![]() | |
I took this photo & made the video also |
February 14, 2014
Single Ladies Morning After
This is what single ladies wake up to on the morning after Valentine's Day...
With a hangover, surrounded by empty chocolate boxes, crumbled up candy rappers, and love songs stuck in our head!
January 28, 2014
A thoughtful thing
Some were in time there is, was, and will be a box. It sits in a corner facing the sun while in the shade from the ceiling above. It does not move but breathes in the dust.
January 20, 2014
Light as a Foot
Your thoughts weight heavey on your mind
Your burdens heavey on your shoulders
So what, you ask is light
Your feet
They take you where you go
And never ask for anything in return
The places we go
The people we meet
The things we do
That is what makes life light
So thank your feet
They do so much
Your burdens heavey on your shoulders
So what, you ask is light
Your feet
They take you where you go
And never ask for anything in return
The places we go
The people we meet
The things we do
That is what makes life light
So thank your feet
They do so much
January 15, 2014
I'm Cinderella
I befriended my Fairy Godmother
I went to the ball
And danced with the prince
I stand in front of him now
And wonder
Does he see me as the girl he met last night
Or does he see me only as the rags that I call my clothes and my woes that surround me
January 11, 2014
Who am I?
Have you ever read song lyrics and thought that even without the music it sounded beautiful? Did you think to your self "Wow this is more than just a song, but something real and true to life. More than just the ordinary everyday thing,"? Well I did the other day when I read the lyrics to 'Who am I?' from Les Misérables. The song talks about a man wondering who he really is and asking himself how he can go on through life not showing the world who he really is. Here are the lyrics to the song...
Who am I?
Can I condemn this man to slavery,
Pretend I do not see his agony?
This innocent who wears my face
Who goes to judgement in my place.
Who am I?
Can I conceal myself forever more,
Pretend I'm not the man I was before?
And must my name,
until I die,
Be no more that an alibi?
Must I lie?
How can I ever face my fellow men?
How can I face myself again?
My soul belongs to God,
I know,
I made that bargain long ago.
He gave me hope when hope was gone.
He gave me strength to journey on.
Who am I?
Who am I?
I'm Jean,
And so,
You see it's true.
That man no more guilt than you.
Who am I?
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