May 27, 2014

The New Girl (revised)

   There she stood, with one foot in the door and one on the freshly polished hallway floor. She was the new girl. The smell of desperation, heavy perfume, and the highly toxic liquid that hardens on your fingertips, surrounded her. There was only one thing on her mind and that was either to stay or to sprint out of the devilish place that some had come to call school. After a moment or so of searching for her answer and weighing her decisions she came to a conclusion. So she took her foot out of the door and decided to fight for her life just to get to her locker. The massively jammed halls led to different locations, in which she knew none of. She needed so desperately to find room 127 but the closest door to her read 003. This was going to be the longest nine months of her life. She inhaled a breath that, unfortunately, didn’t knock her unconscious. ‘If only I could just find a way to faint, then I could go. Get way from this dreadful place and never come back,’ she thought to herself, ‘If only…’ That’s where the thought stopped because at that very moment someone knocked the books right out of her hands. Down to the floor they went, like an avalanche cascading off Mt. Everest in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. She only wished now that this was all just one very bad dream that she would wake up to any minute now. But sadly, the refreshing reawakening did not come. 

1 comment:

  1. What a scary feeling to be the new girl in school!
    You made it though! Made you stronger too I'm sure ;)
    Now you'll be in high school!!!!!


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