July 22, 2014

Dear Few People Who will Read this,

   I have yet another question for you. Yes, I know this is really getting old, but we were made to ask them, so why not.
   Why do we miss people? Why does it seem that even when we tell ourselves not to, we still do? Why is it so hard to let go of things in life? Including people. Why?
   Okay, so that was more than one question, but you get my point. So, I guess now is when most would give the everyday answer of "Well, it's because we care about it, or them." But why? Why do we care so much about something or someone that we can't seem to detach ourselves form it/them? Why? I ask. Why?!
   Okay, a little dramatic and over the top there. My bad, but still... Why? Why can't we live a life without being constantly haunted of caring? Or having that nagging feeling of it?
   Here's why. It's because we have hearts. We have feelings, which in most of us causes us to think of others and how what we say and what we do makes them feel. We have brains which cause us to think of others and the chemicals and hormones don't emotionally let us forget easily. Yes, we are human and we make mistakes, but it's what and who we care about that make us learn from them and change. We change everyday for it and though it may be a nagging, bitching, pain in the ass, (sorry for the language, but I'm still entitled to freedom of speech) but it is what continually makes us who we are. I only hope that you care about the right things and the right people because the wrong things/people can bring you down to very low places.

Thanks for listening,
The Question Freak

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